· 323 words · 2 minute read

A new 650thz.de server - the next steps

I’m very happy to announce that funding of the new 650thz.de server was successful! During the campaign from 2023-02-17 to 2023-03-03 we’ve collected € 3,035. After adding money from earlier voluntary payments I was able to spend € 4,192 on the new server base hardware (excluding storage - I have personally taken over the costs for the SSD storage).

You’re probably curious when the new server will be ready for its job ;-) … so here’s the plan:

  • ✅ Clarifying details with server colocation host
  • ✅ Contracting server colocation host
  • ✅ Ordering new server hardware
  • ✅ Hardware setup in datacenter rack
  • ✅ Server BMC and operating system setup
  • ✅ Basic performance benchmarks for later comparison
  • ✅ Setting up and optimizing storage system
  • ✅ Setting up and optimizing hypervisor and VMs
  • ✅ Setting up firewall
  • ✅ Setting up application VMs
  • ✅ Setting up container infrastructure / LXD
  • ✅ Container transfer from old to new server + offline test
  • ✅ Final sync of containers and DNS switch (done 2023-04-15)

I’ll update this list accordingly, so you can follow the process. I’ll also post about the progress on my metalhead.club profile: thomas@metalhead.club - or follow hashtag #metalheadclub.

Unfortunately I’m not able to announce any exact dates because I depend on 3rd parties and cannot really schedule my own tasks - It depends on when I have spare time. But I’ll try my best to proceed as fast as possible to avoid any additional cost. The old server will need to run in parallel for some weeks during the migration process.

If you’re interested in taking over our old server hardware at “Servercow” / Tinc GmbH, let me know. I’ll be happy to sell the old hardware to you. … some of which has been recently replaced and is still in good condition for less demanding server tasks. You can find hardware details about the old server in this post: New 650thz.de Server - the hardware specs