· 526 words · 3 minute read

Advertising metalhead.club in Wacken!

I have booked my first poster advertisement! For metalhead.club! In Wacken!

In order to make metalhead.club better known among metalheads, I decided to test some outdoor advertising. This probably makes us the first Fediverse instance to place commercial advertising - and certainly the first Fediverse instance to do so in Wacken!

Unfortunately, there were only 2 locations left to book in Wacken. And the booking periods could hardly be more unfavorable. The main Wacken operation is from July, 31 th to August, 3 rd. Advertising could only be placed from

  • July, 23 th - August, 1 st or
  • August, 2 nd - August 12 th <—

I opted for the latter. It’s hard to say which period is smarter. In the former, I would probably have been able to reach the early arrivals from the 29th. With the latter, I effectively have 2.5 intensive advertising days (with Saturday until midday). I was hoping for higher chances of success with the latter and therefore opted for it. In addition, only one other advertising space would have been available in the first period, which would have been further away (instead of on the main road), would have been passed less often with around 9,000 “contacts” and would have been significantly more expensive at €340.

According to the provider, the space currently booked brings in around 20,000 contacts and cost €189.

I’m really excited to see whether the advertising will have any measurable success. In this case, €189 can still be seen as “play money”. Even if everything was useless, not much is broken. Anyone who thinks the campaign is worth supporting is welcome to throw something into the funding pot - at https://donate.650thz.de

There is no design yet. I will probably base it roughly on the business cards and keep it simple. Anyone who has ideas or wants to get involved is welcome to do so on Mastodon!

Update on March, 25 th: We have a poster design! 🔗

After a lively exchange on Mastodon, bestiaexmachina@metalhead.club created the final design for the poster:

Final version of our poster in German: &ldquo;Doomscrolling? Wir haben auch Death, Black und Heavy. Erlebe echtes Social Networking - von uns für Metalheads.&rdquo;. English translation: &ldquo;Doomscrolling? We also have Death, Black and Heavy. Experience real social networking - from any for metalheads.&rdquo;

English translation: “Doomscrolling? We also have Death, Black and Heavy. Experience real social networking - by and for metalheads.”

Thank you very much for our spontaneous work on this little project, bestiaexmachina! 👏
The outcome is way better than unskilled /me could have done it :)

I chose German as the language for this poster because despite all the international guests at Wacken, most passengers-by probably speak German and it will be easier to attract their attention then.

Thanks for everyone who participated in the discussions and added their valuable opinion! Esp:

I’ve read all your comments and thought about them. Sorry if I didn’t reply to all of your comments!

Our poster will be on display at Hauptstr 33.

You will be at Wacken Open Air and have a chance to take a photo? As I cannot make it myself to Wacken, I’d be happy to see the advertisement in the real world! Send my a photo via Mastodon: thomas ät metalhead.club. Thank you so much 🙏.

Location of the advertising: On the wall of a brick stone house next to a busy street